1. Animals
  2. Abilities
  3. Conditions
  4. Tool/Weapon
  5. Weapon Mods
  6. Orb
  7. Equipped
  8. Food/Medicine
  9. Furniture/Construction
  10. Color/Pattern
  11. Items
  12. Attributes
  13. Creatures
  14. Blocks
  15. Props
  16. API Types
  17. API Functions


void LT_draw_icon(number x,number y,string icon,number style)

numberx The x coordinate of the icon's top left
numbery The y coordinate of the icon's top left
stringicon The name of the icon to draw
numberstyle Specifies the style to draw the icon in, with 0 drawing the icon normally

DRAW Calling this outside of a drawing hook or on the server will crash the addon

Draws an icon. Icon names are a reference to the asset. The quick reference guide lists the icon name for each object be it an item, enemy, attribute, etc. Drawing an icon with style 1 will render it as a ghostly outline, while style 2 renders it faded and in grayscale.